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Internship for Arts Managers, Germany
Submitted by olesya on 14 February, 2013 - 12:25
Start January / ongoing.
The intern will work under supervision of the arttransponder coordinator and for selected projects togethter with managers from our partner initiatives. The position is ideal for an experienced student or recent graduate of Arts Management or someone with an interest/academic background in arts in context and/ arts networking & project coordination.
> website management / social media management
> contact management with artists & partner organizations
> database input and management
> developmental and general office administration
> online research
> assistance in events coordination & organization
Our expectations:
> interest in contemporary art, theory and project management
> excellent communication skills
> previous admin experience in social media, content management systems (preferably in typo3)
> understanding of website maintenance, although training for our web management system will be provided.
> profound abilities in in Microsoft Office, Exell & Photoshop
> advanced language skills in English (also writing) is required
> German language knowledge preferable
The ideal candidate will show own initiative, openness to team work. and abilities to work and research independently on given tasks.
Our offer:
> we cannot offer direct financing but support applications with letters of recommendation to grant giving organisations
> we will reimburse travelling costs for a monthly BVG pass for Berlins S/U-Train within the city area
>we will introduce & connect you to the creative landscape of Berlin, to art spaces and initiatives, to art networks, show best practice examples and link you to artists & art professionals
За дополнительной информацией обращайтесь в отдел международных связей и работы с иностранными студентами каб. 219
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