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Visiting Researcher Job with Bank of Estonia
Deadline: 15 February 2013
Open to: candidates with a PhD in Economics
Remuneration: depends on candidate’s experience and academic reputation
The Bank of Estonia is inviting candidates with a Ph.D. in Economics to apply for the position of Visiting Researcher in the Research
Division. The position is intended for researchers with an academic and/or central banking background. Doctoral students expecting to graduate within a year are also encouraged to apply.
Visiting researchers are expected to conduct research projects preferably on topics related to the current research projects in the Research Division that could be carried out in collaboration with the division’s economists on the basis of a mutually agreed research plan. Research results are usually published in the Working Paper Series of Bank of Estonia and researchers are also expected to introduce their work at the seminars of the bank and to participate in internal discussions. Visiting researchers are entitled to remuneration that depends on their experience and academic reputation.
The preferred starting date of the programme is April 1, 2013. The length of stay is flexible, but it must be long enough to ensure successful completion of the project.
Application (in English) should include the following:
- a short description of the proposed research project, including:
- the topic and subtopics;
- a description of the research questions and potential results;
- an overview of the theoretical background;
- research methodology;
- preferred starting date and expected duration of the research project;
- the CV with an emphasis on the applicant’s academic background and experience in research work;
- two letters of recommendation;
- an earlier research paper written by the applicant, if possible (the topic is irrelevant).
Додаткова інформація у відділі міжнародних зв’язків та роботи з іноземними студентами (каб.219
- переглядів: 1917