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- Контакти
Clore Leadership Fellowship Programme 2013, UK
Scholarship / Financial aid: fellowships available
Date: 2013/14
Deadline: 22 February 2013
Open to: international applicants
Clore Duffield Foundation is pleased to invite applications for 2013 Fellowship Programme to develop outstanding cultural leaders. The Fellowship Programme aims to shape aspiring leaders through in-depth learning, tailored as far as possible to the needs, aspirations and circumstances of about 25 individuals a year. The structure of the programme includes residential courses, an extended placement, individually-selected training, mentoring and coaching. Fellows have unparalleled access to senior cultural leaders, a diverse peer group and to extensive networks.
The fellowship includes the visual and performing arts, film, heritage, museums, libraries and archives, creative industries and cultural policy and administration.
Eligibility & Criteria
+ Fellows can be freelance or within organisations, of all types and sizes, in areas ranging from archives to theatre production, and including visual and performing arts, film and digital media, heritage, creative industries, museums, libraries and cultural policy.
+ Foundation offer Fellowships to exceptional individuals who have already worked within the cultural sector for at least 5 years, or outside it but who demonstrate a knowledge, understanding and passion for culture and the potential to become leaders within the cultural sector.
+ Everyone is eligible to apply, provided they have at least 5 years’ paid work experience, preferably in the cultural sector and meet the criteria and conditions of the Fellowship for which they are applying.
За дополнительной информацией обращайтесь в отдел международных связей и работы с иностранными студентами каб. 219
- переглядів: 1917